RDA Bačka

"Understanding Investment Readiness" training within the ReInd-BBG project

Date of creation 29.11.2024.

Representatives of the Regional Development Agency Bačka (RDA Bačka), members of the project team of the ReInd-BBG project, together with other partners, participated in the training entitled “Understanding Investment Readiness”. The training was held by representatives of the Development Agency of Vojvodina (RAV) and the Make Better Association (MKBT), on November 19, 2024.

The aim of this training was to provide project partners with insight into strategies for attracting investments in brownfield sites, both at the local and regional levels. Through examples of good practice and discussion, participants had the opportunity to better understand how to exploit the potential of brownfield sites and attract investors.

Mr. Ivan Borovčanin from RAV, with extensive experience in attracting foreign investment, presented the key factors influencing investment readiness, including the identification of opportunities and weaknesses, with a special emphasis on infrastructure, business climate, the existence of planning documentation and accessibility.

Ms. Marina Batog from MKBT shared practical advice on how local authorities can improve the conditions for attracting investment, in particular through improving the quality of life, accessibility of infrastructure and business regulations.

The training was extremely useful for all project partners and provided them with a better understanding of the opportunities that brownfield sites offer, as well as key information for attracting potential investors.

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