RDA Bačka

The first meeting of interested parties within the URBANFLOODS project

Date of creation 28.01.2025.

On Friday, January 31, 2025, at 10:00 AM, the first stakeholder meeting within the URBANFLOODS project will be held. The aim of the meeting is to establish a dialogue on national policies and strategies with a focus on examining the challenges and opportunities within the existing flood management framework in the Republic of Serbia.
Topics of the meeting:
1. Presentation of the URBANFLOODS project
2. Overview of the national legislation and strategic framework on flood prevention and protection
3. Joint discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of the existing planning framework in the field of flood management, in order to improve it. The meeting will be held online, which will enable the inclusion of stakeholders from all regions of the Republic of Serbia. You can register for the event via email.: jelena.petrov@rda-backa.rs

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