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Open public call for implementation of a package of services for young and female entrepreneurs

Creation date 18.12.2024.

Public call for the implementation of a package of services for young and female entrepreneurs published in accordance with the “Program of Support for Regional Development and Entrepreneurship Development Implemented through a Standardized Set of Services Implemented by Accredited Regional Development Agencies in 2024” of the Ministry of Economy, which is implemented through the Development Agency of Serbia and accredited regional development agencies.

The public call for the implementation of a package of services for young and female entrepreneurs provides for two sets of services: The first set refers to services for young people, which involves the assistance of an expert from the Accredited Regional Development Agencies (ARRA) to a young potential or newly established entrepreneur, aged 18 to 35. Free support consists of available standardized advisory services, mandatory training “Training for Business Beginners”, one/more specialized training and mentoring services lasting up to 40 hours.

The second set of services is intended for women entrepreneurs and consists of assistance from an expert from ARRA to a business entity whose founder, legal representative, other representative and manager is a woman. Free support is provided in the form of available standardized advisory services, one or more specialized training and mentoring services lasting up to 40 hours.

The public call is open until December 25, 2024, and the right to participate is open to:

Young potential entrepreneurs:

× aged 18 to 35 years (persons aged 18 will be considered persons who become of age no later than the date of closing of the Public Call, and persons aged up to 35 will be considered all those born no later than 1989);

× who do not have a business entity registered in the APR of the Republic of Serbia (in the register of companies and entrepreneurs).

Young entrepreneurs:
× aged 18 to 35 (persons aged 18 will be considered persons who become of age no later than the date of the Public Call, and persons under 35 will be considered all those born no later than 1989);
× who have a registered business entity with the Business Registers Agency no earlier than five years prior to the year of publication of the Public Call, and whose founder and legal representative is a natural person under 35; the majority share (minimum 51%) must be owned by one or more natural persons under 35.

Women entrepreneurs:
newly established and existing entrepreneurs, as well as micro and small companies, which are registered with the Business Register, and whose founder, legal representative, other representative and manager are women. The minimum share of women’s ownership is 50%.

Advisory services under this program include assistance in developing a business plan, submitting applications, preparing documentation, mentoring support and specialized training.

More detailed information is available via e-mail: zenemladissu2024@ras.gov.rs

Public call for the implementation of a package of services for young and women entrepreneurs (PDF)

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