RDA Bačka

Meeting of partners on the ReInd-BBG project and Community Engagement Kit training

Creation date 05.12.2024.

On December 3, 2024, the 10th meeting of the partners of the ReInd-BBG project was held via the Zoom platform. During the meeting, the activities implemented in the second period of the project were briefly presented, as well as plans for their completion. Also, the reporting for this period, which is rapidly approaching, was discussed. The meeting was chaired by Ms. Tanja Faganel from the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia, the main partner in the project. The second part of the partners’ meeting was dedicated to the Community Engagement Kit training, which was organized by representatives of the MKBT organization and the Regional Development Agency of Bačka. The training focused on methods and tools for community engagement. The main objective of the training was to ensure that all stakeholders involved in the project – from local, regional and national authorities, interest groups, potential investors to the general public – are informed, engaged and active throughout the entire duration of the project. The training covered key methods and tools for community engagement, including:

Social media campaigns

Information newsletters

Engagement activities within various events

Pop-up events

Info centres

This training provided excellent guidance on improving communication with the target group and contributing to the successful implementation of the ReInd-BBG project. As part of the training, the participants were also presented with the Communication Engagement Kit, a guidance document developed within the project, as a key resource for further development and community engagement. This project is supported by the Interreg Programme for the Danube Region, co-financed by the European Union.

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