RDA Bačka

Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency

Creation date 20.12.2024.

The Bačka Regional Development Agency and the Municipality of Bačka Palanka invite you to an education in the field of energy efficiency, which is intended for citizens, representatives of the economy, and employees of local governments.

The goal of the education is to raise awareness about the energy efficiency of buildings and the use of renewable energy sources, with a special focus on solar energy and modern heating and cooling systems.

The training will cover key aspects:

Energy rehabilitation of buildings
Applications of heat pumps
The role of solar power plants in the production of electricity

Participants will have the opportunity to find out how to optimize the energy systems of their facilities and companies, as well as the possibilities for financing these investments.

In the attachment you can find the Education Agenda for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency.

Date and time: 27.12.2024. starting at 09:00
Location: Great Hall of the Bačka Palanka Municipal Assembly,
Address: Kralja Petra I no. 16, Bačka Palanka.

Please confirm your participation no later than 26.12.2024. year to the following email address: ler@backapalanka.org.rs or by phone: 021/2101143.

Download the Education Agenda

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