RDA Bačka

Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition

Date of creation 21.01.2025.

The Regional Development Agency Bačka invites you to a two-day training in the field of energy transition,
intended for media representatives. The aim of the training is to improve understanding of key concepts
related to the transition to sustainable and renewable energy sources.

The training will cover the topics of energy efficiency and potential in the transformation of Serbia and the EU,
renewable energy sources, as well as the methodology for preparing media content on this topic.

Date: January 20 and 21, 2025
Time: Start at 09:30 a.m.
Location: Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina, Novi Sad Fair, Braće Popović 5, Novi Sad
Online: Zoom link
Meeting ID number: 878 6496 8564
Password: 55555

Please confirm your participation no later than January 19, 2025
to the email address: nikolina.pupavac@rda-backa.rs

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