RDA Bačka

Danube GeoHeCo pilot investment in Moravske Toplice, Slovenia

Creation date 12.12.2024.

The municipality of Moravske Toplice, located in Slovenia, is committed to sustainable development and green energy initiatives. As part of its efforts to align with the “Green Destination” framework and switch to renewable energy sources, the municipality has launched a pilot investment in the Martjanci kindergarten.

The aim of this pilot is to replace the existing fossil fuel and biomass heating system in the building with a hybrid solution based on shallow geothermal energy, integrating geothermal heat pumps with the current biomass system.

The kindergarten, built in 1975 and with an area of ​​238 m², currently consumes a significant amount of energy from heating oil, district heating and electricity, which contributes to high CO2 emissions. The new hybrid system will not only reduce the building’s carbon footprint, but will also demonstrate the potential of shallow geothermal energy as a sustainable alternative for public sector buildings.

Before the system is implemented, a detailed assessment of the building’s heating requirements and local hydrogeological conditions will be carried out to determine the most suitable geothermal system, either a closed system with boreholes or an open system.

The expected benefits of this investment are multiple. By integrating geothermal energy into the heating system, the municipality aims to reduce its dependence on imported energy, reduce CO2 emissions and set an example for other public buildings in the region and beyond. The Danube GeoHeCo project also serves as a test platform for an innovative IT tool that will optimize the design of hybrid heating systems, facilitating the transition of other buildings to renewable energy solutions.

After implementation, the system’s performance will be closely monitored and the results will be shared with other partners in the program. The Danube GeoHeCo project is expected to provide valuable lessons in the optimization of hybrid geothermal systems and contribute to the development of regional energy strategies.

In addition, the investment will help the Municipality of Moravske Toplice further strengthen its position as a leader in green energy solutions, with the long-term goal of switching all public buildings to renewable energy sources.

This pilot project represents an important step towards a sustainable, low-carbon future for Moravske Toplice and provides an opportunity for knowledge exchange that can have a transnational impact on energy practices in the region.

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