Provision of information to existing and potential micro, small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs (MSMEs), cooperatives and clusters, regarding: 1) all necessary information related to starting a business – start up; 2) national and international programs to support entrepreneurship; 3) available funding sources (domestic and foreign); 4) legal regulations and obligations, taxes and fees, as well as mandatory forms; 5) support that can be obtained through the European Entrepreneurship Network (EEN network) project – conditions for export to foreign markets, technical rules and technical standards, transfer of technology and knowledge, business connections, etc.; 6) association of MMSPP – formation and operation of clusters, associations and cooperatives; 7) innovations, intellectual property protection; 8) quality standards; 9) possibilities of creating business partnerships; 10) information on specialized services – referral to specialized service providers; 11) information on business and innovation incubators; 12) other information of importance for the business of the MSME sector, cooperatives and clusters.Trainings
The training provided by ARRA to existing and potential MSMEs includes 10 modules that are divided into mandatory and optional. Each ARRA is obliged to conduct a mandatory training module “Training for Business Beginners” (duration of two days). Each ARRA can also conduct the following one-day optional training modules, according to the user’s interest: 1) preparation of a business plan and dealing with banks and investment readiness 2) financial management 3) export – for those who export for the first time 4) marketing and sales 5 ) electronic business and information technologies in business 6) overview of quality standards and environmental protection important for business 7) innovations 8) preparation for the Single European Market 9) participation of SMEs in public procurementAdvisory services
Advisory services provided by ARRA within this program are: 1) assistance in preparing documentation and creating a business plan when applying for programs related to beginners, women and youth at the Development Fund of the Republic of Serbia; 2) assistance in creating a business plan for subsidies for self-employment at the National Employment Service; 3) assistance in creating a business plan when applying for other loans from the Development Fund of the Republic of Serbia, and for available credit lines from the Guarantee Fund of AP Vojvodina; 4) support in the preparation of documentation and applications for entrepreneurship support programs implemented by the Ministry and the Development Agency, except for programs related to beginners, women and youth at the Development Fund of the Republic of Serbia; 5) advisory services when starting a business (support for registration and establishment of a business entity or cooperative, help with business planning – development of a business idea or technical assistance in the preparation of documentation and applications for available national sources of financing from the public, private and civil sectors); 6) advisory services for business development (technical assistance in the preparation of documentation and applications for available national sources of financing from the public, private and civil sectors, donor support, support in business connections and networking); 7) advisory services when applying for the EU program Horizon Europe; 8) technical assistance in the preparation of projects when applying for the Public Call for the procurement of equipment and the provision of services to entrepreneurs, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises within the European Union Support Program for the Development of Municipalities – EU PRO.Mentoring
The mentoring process takes place according to the methodology of the National Agency for Regional Development (NARR), which was taken over by the Development Agency of Serbia (RAS), developed in cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The methodology determines the steps in the process in which a professional person-mentor, in direct contact and work with the founder and/or responsible person of the business entity, i.e. the management/administration of the cooperative, conducts a certain number of hours (from 25 to 50 per user), and that in user’s premises. The founder and/or responsible person of the business entity and the cooperative’s management/administration (that is, delegated persons of the cooperative’s administrative body) and the mentor together study the current business, the reasons for current problems or obstacles to further development, the most important potentials for growth, and based on the ascertained situation, the mentor and the user mentoring services prepare a development plan/project. Content of mentoring services: 1) diagnosing the business; 2) assistance in preparing development activities/plans in order to achieve the goals of the business entity, cooperative; 3) counseling and coordination for access to funds, new technologies, consulting services in order to encourage the development and improvement of business; 4) assistance in preparing credit applications for banks and support programs for micro, small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs (MSMEs) and cooperatives; 5) assistance in the implementation of development activities/plans/projects; 6) help in finding business partners; 7) counseling/coaching; 8) training; 9) referral to appropriate specialized consultants.Promotions
The Regional Development Agency of Bačka (RRA Bačka) participates in promotional activities related to the promotion of entrepreneurship and various support programs, as well as to the promotion of the region: 1) support for founders in organizing and/or participating in domestic and foreign promotional events of importance for the regional development (fairs, conferences, local events within Open Days – European Week of Regions and Cities, European Entrepreneurship Week (European SME Week) and similar); 2) publication of publications on business, investment potential and business environment in the region; 3) promoting the support program for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs (MSMEs), implemented by the Ministry of Economy and the Development Agency of Serbia (RAS); 4) promotions for final year students, high school students and students from upper grades of elementary schools with the aim of promoting entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial spirit at colleges, vocational high schools, high schools and elementary schools.Economy Support Team
Marija ProkopićContact: 060/330 25 09
Andrea Stijepić
Contact: 060/330 25 04
Milana Popović
Contact: 065/553 29 43