RDA Bačka

The first stakeholder meeting within the URBANFLOODS project was held

The first stakeholder meeting within the URBANFLOODS project was held Date of creation 11.02.2025. Regional Development Agency Bačka as a partner in the URBANFLOODS project, in cooperation with JVP Voda Vojvodina, as an associated partner in the project, on Friday 31.1.2025. organized the first meeting of interested parties. The meeting was held online to enable the involvement of all relevant actors from the territoryRepublic of Serbia. The goal of the meeting is to bring together key stakeholders from the field of flood prevention and protection in order to create a partnership network that will ensure the successful implementation of activities within the URBANFLOODS project. The meeting included the presentation of the URBANFLOODS project, the presentation of the legal and strategic framework in the field of flood prevention and protection, but also the discussion and exchange of opinions and experiences on the weaknesses and strengths of the existing frameworks, as well as the possibilities for their improvement. The meeting was attended by representatives of national, regional and local institutions relevant in the field of flood prevention and protection, whose contribution is extremely important for ensuring the achievement of results within the URBANFLOODS project that are aligned with the real situation and needs in the field of floods in the Republic of Serbia, but also in the wider area, i.e.areas of the Interreg Ipa Adrion program within which the URBANFLOODS project is implemented. Latest news All Posts News The first stakeholder meeting within the URBANFLOODS project was held The first stakeholder meeting within the URBANFLOODS project was held Date of creation 11.02.2025. Regional Development Agency Bačka as a… The first meeting of interested parties within the URBANFLOODS project The first meeting of interested parties within the URBANFLOODS project Date of creation 28.01.2025. On Friday, January 31, 2025, at… Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition held in Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition held in Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina Date of creation… Education for media representativesin the field of energy transition Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition Date of creation 21.01.2025. The Regional Development Agency Bačka invites… Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Date of creation 26.12.2024. On December… A standardized set of services Information Training Advisory services Mentoring Promotions

The first meeting of interested parties within the URBANFLOODS project

The first meeting of interested parties within the URBANFLOODS project Date of creation 28.01.2025. On Friday, January 31, 2025, at 10:00 AM, the first stakeholder meeting within the URBANFLOODS project will be held. The aim of the meeting is to establish a dialogue on national policies and strategies with a focus on examining the challenges and opportunities within the existing flood management framework in the Republic of Serbia.Topics of the meeting:1. Presentation of the URBANFLOODS project2. Overview of the national legislation and strategic framework on flood prevention and protection3. Joint discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of the existing planning framework in the field of flood management, in order to improve it. The meeting will be held online, which will enable the inclusion of stakeholders from all regions of the Republic of Serbia. You can register for the event via email.: jelena.petrov@rda-backa.rs Latest news All Posts News The first meeting of interested parties within the URBANFLOODS project The first meeting of interested parties within the URBANFLOODS project Date of creation 28.01.2025. On Friday, January 31, 2025, at… Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition held in Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition held in Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina Date of creation… Education for media representativesin the field of energy transition Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition Date of creation 21.01.2025. The Regional Development Agency Bačka invites… Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Date of creation 26.12.2024. On December… Held education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency in the municipality of Bač Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency was held in the municipality of Bač Date… A standardized set of services Information Training Advisory services Mentoring Promotions

Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition held in Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina

Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition held in Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina Date of creation 22.01.2025. In the large hall of the Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina, a two-day training (20 and 21.01.2025) for media representatives on the topic of energy transition was held. The goal of the training was to improve the understanding of key concepts related to the transition to sustainable and renewable energy sources, as well as prepare media professionals to provide accurate and comprehensive information to the general public about this important and complex area. During the training, participants had the opportunity to learn about key aspects of the energy transition in Serbia and the European Union. Special attention was paid to the topics of energy efficiency and its potential in energy transformation, as well as the role of renewable energy sources in this process. In addition, the participants were introduced to the methodology for preparing news and content published in the media, which relate to the topics of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. The training was also available in a hybrid format, which allowed for the participation of a large number of media outlets and their representatives from other regions of Serbia. This format enabled easier accessibility and interaction with experts and colleagues from other media organizations. This training program was implemented within the project “Promotion of Energy Efficiency and the Use of Renewable Energy Sources in the Bačka Region”, which is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), in cooperation with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). The project is being implemented in the period from 1 August 2024 to 31 October 2025, and the implementer is the Regional Development Agency of Bačka Latest news All Posts News Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition held in Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition held in Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina Date of creation… Education for media representativesin the field of energy transition Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition Date of creation 21.01.2025. The Regional Development Agency Bačka invites… Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Date of creation 26.12.2024. On December… Held education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency in the municipality of Bač Одржана едуакција за грађанство и представнике привреде у области енергетске ефикасности у општини Бач Date of creation 26.12.2024. Organized by… Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency Creation date 20.12.2024. The Bačka Regional Development Agency… A standardized set of services Information Training Advisory services Mentoring Promotions

Education for media representativesin the field of energy transition

Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition Date of creation 21.01.2025. The Regional Development Agency Bačka invites you to a two-day training in the field of energy transition,intended for media representatives. The aim of the training is to improve understanding of key conceptsrelated to the transition to sustainable and renewable energy sources. The training will cover the topics of energy efficiency and potential in the transformation of Serbia and the EU,renewable energy sources, as well as the methodology for preparing media content on this topic. Date: January 20 and 21, 2025Time: Start at 09:30 a.m.Location: Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina, Novi Sad Fair, Braće Popović 5, Novi SadOnline: Zoom linkMeeting ID number: 878 6496 8564Password: 55555 Please confirm your participation no later than January 19, 2025to the email address: nikolina.pupavac@rda-backa.rs АГЕНДА Едукација за медије Најновије вести All Posts VestiRS Едукација за представнике медијау области енергетске транзиције Едукација за представнике медија у области енергетске транзиције Датум креирања 21.01.2025. Регионална развојна агенција Бачка вас позива на дводневну едукацију… Едукација о енергетској ефикасности и обновљивим изворима енергије у Новом Саду и Бачкој Паланци Едукација о енергетској ефикасности и обновљивим изворима енергије у Новом Саду и Бачкој Паланци Датум креирања 26.12.2024. Регионална развојна агенција… Одржана едуакција за грађанство и представнике привреде у области енергетске ефикасности у општини Бач Одржана едуакција за грађанство и представнике привреде у области енергетске ефикасности у општини Бач Датум креирања 26.12.2024. У организацији Регионалне… Едукација за грађанство и представнике привреде у области енергетске ефикасности Едукација грађана и привредника из области енергетске ефикасности Датум креирања 20.12.2024. Регионална развојна агенција Бачка и Општина Бачка Паланка позивају… Редовна седница Скупштине чланова Регионалне развојне агенције Бачка одржана 17. децембра 2024. године Редовна седница Скупштине чланова Регионалне развојне агенције Бачка одржана 17. децембра 2024. године Датум креирања 20.12.2024. У уторак, 17. децембра… Стандардизовани сет услуга Информације Обуке Саветодавне услуге Менторинг Промоције

Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka

Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Date of creation 26.12.2024. On December 26 and 27, 2024, the Bačka Regional Development Agency organized an education in the field of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and the municipality of Bačka Palanka. The event included two key blocks of topics: energy rehabilitation of buildings and modern air conditioning, heating and cooling systems, including heat pumps, as well as topics related to solar energy, solar power plants and the concept of “customer-producer”. The education was intended for citizens, business representatives and employees in local governments, and its main goal was to raise awareness of the importance of energy efficiency of buildings and the use of renewable energy sources. The participants had the opportunity to learn more about the materials used for the energy rehabilitation of buildings, the sequence of energy rehabilitation, the optimization of the energy systems of buildings and companies, as well as the possibilities for financing these investments. Also, there was talk about parts of solar power plants, different types and methods of assembly, as well as the concept of “buyer-producer”. These trainings are part of the project “Promotion of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources in the Bačka region”, which was supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in cooperation with the German Organization for International Cooperation (GIZ). The project, which is implemented by the Bačka Regional Development Agency in the Bačka region, envisages the improvement of energy efficiency and the promotion of the sustainable use of renewable energy sources. The project with a total budget of EUR 84,399.20 is being implemented in the period from 1. from August 2024 to October 31, 2025, and its main goal is to support the green transition through more efficient and sustainable use of renewable energy sources in the Bačka region. Latest news All Posts Vesti Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Date of creation 26.12.2024. On December… A standardized set of services Information Training Advisory services Mentoring Promotions

Held education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency in the municipality of Bač

Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency was held in the municipality of Bač Date of creation 26.12.2024. Organized by the Bačka Regional Development Agency and the Bačka Municipality, on December 20, 2024, an education event in the field of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources was held. The training, which was intended for citizens, business representatives and employees of local governments, was held in the small hall of the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Bač, and the main goal of the training was to raise awareness of the importance of energy efficiency of buildings and the use of renewable energy sources. A special focus was on key aspects in this area, such as energy renovation of buildings, the use of heat pumps and the role of solar power plants in electricity production. The participants of the training had the opportunity to learn how to optimize the energy systems of their buildings and companies, as well as what opportunities exist for financing these investments. This training is one of the activities of the project “Promotion of Energy Efficiency and the Use of Renewable Energy Sources in the Bačka Region”, which was supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in cooperation with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), and implemented by the Regional Development Agency Bačka in the Bačka region. The project with a total budget of EUR 84,399.20 is being implemented in the period from August 1, 2024 to October 31, 2025, and the main goal is to support the green transition through a more efficient and sustainable use of renewable energy sources in the Bačka region. Latest news All Posts News Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition held in Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition held in Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina Date of creation… Education for media representativesin the field of energy transition Education for media representatives in the field of energy transition Date of creation 21.01.2025. The Regional Development Agency Bačka invites… Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Date of creation 26.12.2024. On December… Held education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency in the municipality of Bač Одржана едуакција за грађанство и представнике привреде у области енергетске ефикасности у општини Бач Date of creation 26.12.2024. Organized by… Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency Creation date 20.12.2024. The Bačka Regional Development Agency… A standardized set of services Information Training Advisory services Mentoring Promotions

Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency

Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency Creation date 20.12.2024. The Bačka Regional Development Agency and the Municipality of Bačka Palanka invite you to an education in the field of energy efficiency, which is intended for citizens, representatives of the economy, and employees of local governments. The goal of the education is to raise awareness about the energy efficiency of buildings and the use of renewable energy sources, with a special focus on solar energy and modern heating and cooling systems. The training will cover key aspects: Energy rehabilitation of buildingsApplications of heat pumpsThe role of solar power plants in the production of electricity Participants will have the opportunity to find out how to optimize the energy systems of their facilities and companies, as well as the possibilities for financing these investments. In the attachment you can find the Education Agenda for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency. Date and time: 27.12.2024. starting at 09:00Location: Great Hall of the Bačka Palanka Municipal Assembly,Address: Kralja Petra I no. 16, Bačka Palanka. Please confirm your participation no later than 26.12.2024. year to the following email address: ler@backapalanka.org.rs or by phone: 021/2101143. Download the Education Agenda Latest news All Posts News Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Date of creation 26.12.2024. On December… Held education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency in the municipality of Bač Одржана едуакција за грађанство и представнике привреде у области енергетске ефикасности у општини Бач Date of creation 26.12.2024. Organized by… Elementor #1991 Edukacija za građanstvo i predstavnike privrede u oblasti energetske efikasnosti Datum kreiranja 20.12.2024. Regionalna razvojna agencija Bačka i Opština Bačka… A standardized set of services Information Training Advisory services Mentoring Promotions

Regular session of the Assembly of Members of the Regional Development Agency Bačka held on December 17, 2024

Regular session of the Assembly of Members of the Regional Development Agency Bačka held on December 17, 2024 Creation date 20.12.2024. On Tuesday, December 17, 2024, the Regular Session of the Assembly of Members of the Regional Development Agency Backa (RRA Backa) was held. The session was held in the restaurant “Moja čarda” in Temerin, and was chaired by Mr. Petar Mijanović, President of the Assembly of RRA Bačka. At the beginning of the session, Mr. Mijanović presented the items on the agenda, while the director of RRA Bačka, Mr. Aleksandar Dunđerski explained all the points, starting with the Work Plan. Director Dunđerski praised the successful cooperation with the founders and highlighted the significant results achieved during 2024. He also announced a more detailed presentation of those results at the adoption of the Work Report, which will be held in March 2025. Several key points were decided at the session, and all were adopted unanimously. The agenda included the following decisions: Adoption of the Minutes from the previous session of the Assembly of members of the SocietyAdoption of the Decision on the adoption of the Work Plan for 2025Adoption of the Decision on the adoption of the Financial Plan for 2025Adoption of the Decision on the adoption of the Public Procurement Plan for 2025Adoption of the Decision on alienation of a motor vehicleAdoption of the Decision on granting consent to the disposal of assets of high value After considering all the points and presenting the achieved results, the session was successfully completed. Latest news All Posts News Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Date of creation 26.12.2024. On December… Held education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency in the municipality of Bač Одржана едуакција за грађанство и представнике привреде у области енергетске ефикасности у општини Бач Date of creation 26.12.2024. Organized by… Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency Creation date 20.12.2024. The Bačka Regional Development Agency… Regular session of the Assembly of Members of the Regional Development Agency Bačka held on December 17, 2024 Redovna sednica Skupštine članova Regionalne razvojne agencije Bačka održana 17. decembra 2024. godine Datum kreiranja 20.12.2024. On Tuesday, December 17,… A standardized set of services Information Training Advisory services Mentoring Promotions

Open public call for implementation of a package of services for young and female entrepreneurs

Open public call for implementation of a package of services for young and female entrepreneurs Creation date 18.12.2024. Public call for the implementation of a package of services for young and female entrepreneurs published in accordance with the “Program of Support for Regional Development and Entrepreneurship Development Implemented through a Standardized Set of Services Implemented by Accredited Regional Development Agencies in 2024” of the Ministry of Economy, which is implemented through the Development Agency of Serbia and accredited regional development agencies. The public call for the implementation of a package of services for young and female entrepreneurs provides for two sets of services: The first set refers to services for young people, which involves the assistance of an expert from the Accredited Regional Development Agencies (ARRA) to a young potential or newly established entrepreneur, aged 18 to 35. Free support consists of available standardized advisory services, mandatory training “Training for Business Beginners”, one/more specialized training and mentoring services lasting up to 40 hours. The second set of services is intended for women entrepreneurs and consists of assistance from an expert from ARRA to a business entity whose founder, legal representative, other representative and manager is a woman. Free support is provided in the form of available standardized advisory services, one or more specialized training and mentoring services lasting up to 40 hours. The public call is open until December 25, 2024, and the right to participate is open to: Young potential entrepreneurs: × aged 18 to 35 years (persons aged 18 will be considered persons who become of age no later than the date of closing of the Public Call, and persons aged up to 35 will be considered all those born no later than 1989); × who do not have a business entity registered in the APR of the Republic of Serbia (in the register of companies and entrepreneurs). Young entrepreneurs:× aged 18 to 35 (persons aged 18 will be considered persons who become of age no later than the date of the Public Call, and persons under 35 will be considered all those born no later than 1989);× who have a registered business entity with the Business Registers Agency no earlier than five years prior to the year of publication of the Public Call, and whose founder and legal representative is a natural person under 35; the majority share (minimum 51%) must be owned by one or more natural persons under 35. Women entrepreneurs:newly established and existing entrepreneurs, as well as micro and small companies, which are registered with the Business Register, and whose founder, legal representative, other representative and manager are women. The minimum share of women’s ownership is 50%. Advisory services under this program include assistance in developing a business plan, submitting applications, preparing documentation, mentoring support and specialized training. More detailed information is available via e-mail: zenemladissu2024@ras.gov.rs Public call for the implementation of a package of services for young and women entrepreneurs (PDF)DOWNLOAD THE FORM Latest news All Posts News Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Date of creation 26.12.2024. On December… Held education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency in the municipality of Bač Одржана едуакција за грађанство и представнике привреде у области енергетске ефикасности у општини Бач Date of creation 26.12.2024. Organized by… Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency Creation date 20.12.2024. The Bačka Regional Development Agency… Regular session of the Assembly of Members of the Regional Development Agency Bačka held on December 17, 2024 Regular session of the Assembly of Members of the Regional Development Agency Bačka held on December 17, 2024 Creation date… Open public call for implementation of a package of services for young and female entrepreneurs Отворен јавни позив за спровођење пакета услуга за младе и жене предузетнице Датум креирања 18.12.2024. Јавни позив за спровођење пакета… A standardized set of services Information Training Advisory services Mentoring Promotions

Education for citizens and business representatives in local governments in the Bačka region

Education for citizens and business representatives in local governments in the Bačka region Creation date 13.12.2024. Education for citizens and business representatives is being implemented within the framework of the project “Promotion of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources in the Bačka region”, which was supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in cooperation with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). Call for participation Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency The Bačka Regional Development Agency and the Municipality of Bač invite you to education in the field of energy efficiency, which is intended for citizens, business representatives, but also employees in local governments. The goal of the education is to raise awareness about the energy efficiency of buildings and the use of renewable energy sources, with a special focus on solar energy and modern heating and cooling systems. The training will cover key aspects of energy renovation of buildings, the application of heat pumps, as well as the role of solar power plants in electricity generation. Participants will have the opportunity to learn how to optimize the energy systems of their buildings and companies, as well as what are the opportunities for financing these investments. In the attachment you can find the Education Agenda for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency. The training will be organized on 20.12.2024. starting at 09.00 in the small hall of the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Bač, address: Trg dr Zorana Đinđića 2. Please confirm your participation no later than 19.12.2024 to the following email address: nikola.banjac@bac.ls.gov.rs or by phone 064/8511916. Latest news All Posts News Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Education on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka Date of creation 26.12.2024. On December… Held education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency in the municipality of Bač Одржана едуакција за грађанство и представнике привреде у области енергетске ефикасности у општини Бач Date of creation 26.12.2024. Organized by… Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency Education for citizens and business representatives in the field of energy efficiency Creation date 20.12.2024. The Bačka Regional Development Agency… Regular session of the Assembly of Members of the Regional Development Agency Bačka held on December 17, 2024 Regular session of the Assembly of Members of the Regional Development Agency Bačka held on December 17, 2024 Creation date… Open public call for implementation of a package of services for young and female entrepreneurs Open public call for implementation of a package of services for young and female entrepreneurs Creation date 18.12.2024. Public call… A standardized set of services Information Training Advisory services Mentoring Promotions